The Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), serves as a critical resource for enhancing housing stability, mitigating the risk of homelessness, and improving access to care for individuals living with HIV.
HOPWA assistance is available based on funding to assist clients with emergencies, utility assistance, and transitional housing.
To be eligible for HOPWA:
- Household member must be diagnosed with HIV or AIDS
- If the household has income, it must be at or below the low to moderate income level for where you are located in the state.
- The applicant must show proof of residency (lease, utility bill, mortgage statement, etc.).
Speak with your case manager regarding HOPWA.
- Proof of income.
- Information on household members including names and dates of birth.
- Three denial letters regarding housing assistance.
- Any other documentation that would support your request for housing assistance.
Any source of income received for all household members 18 years of age and older as well as social security payments for any member of the household will be considered for housing assistance eligibility.
No, the Housing Coordinator works directly with landlords and property owners. Clients are still required to apply for housing and be approved by the property manager/owner. The property managers/owners must be willing to accept third party payments.
You can call or visit 211, where you can look for help to pay your rent, mortgage, or utilities bills and stay in your home.
Housing Authority Brevard
Housing Authority of Brevard County is based in Melbourne Florida, and the phone number to reach them is (321) 775-1592.
Family Promise of Brevard
Their mission is to end family homelessness in Brevard County. Phone number: 321-209-3391
South Brevard Sharing Center
When funds are available, financial support may be provided for prescriptions, utilities, and rent. On site we provide food, health & hygiene items, clothing, and household items. 321-727-8581
Community Action
Offer a Self-Sufficiency Program as well as Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Call 321-952-6334 for more information.
Brevard Homeless Coalition
Specialists assess callers who are homeless or at risk of homeless and refer to appropriate programs
Call 2-1-1 for more information.
List of Agencies to Apply to
Whether it is finding a place to stay or help with rent or utilities, there are several programs in the area that offer assistance with housing. The agencies listed on the right may offer help to those who qualify.
Brevard County Community Action Agency (brevardfl.gov)
Community Action Team -LIHEAP (321)-633-1951 (321)952-6339
LIHEAP Assistance Application (brevardfl.gov)
Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) & LIHTC – Cocoa Housing Authority (haccfl.com)
Salvation Army (321)631-2766
Sharing Center central:321.631.0306 North: 321.269.6555 South 321.727.8581
St Vincent de Paul Society 321.768.7882
St. Theresa’s Catholic Church office 321.268.3441
If you find yourself in need of a place to stay due to domestic violence, contact Women’s Center of Brevard at 321-607-6809 or visit their website.